What Type Of Roof Damage Coverage Does Homeowner's Insurance Provide?

Posted on: 13 November 2017

If you own your own home, you better have homeowner's insurance. Not only does it help protect you in the event of some sudden disasters, but it also protects you from lawsuits if someone is injured while on your property. However, not everyone understands what homeowner's insurance covers, especially when it comes to roof damage. If you are worried about roof damage, find out what your insurance will and won't cover. [Read More]

Getting Homeowners Insurance Coverage The Smart Way

Posted on: 28 September 2017

Have you been living in a house that isn't covered by insurance because you want to save money? You can actually end up losing a substantial amount of money by not purchasing homeowners insurance. The reason why is because a disaster can destroy your house when least expected, and you might have to consider it as a loss if you can't afford to get it repaired. Homeowners insurance is also useful for financial security for other things in your life as well. [Read More]

Five Mistakes To Avoid That Could Raise The Costs Of Your Home Insurance

Posted on: 19 August 2017

Getting the best rates on home insurance requires you to do careful market research and to educate yourself about the different home insurance products that are available to you. The following are five mistakes to avoid that could raise the costs of your home insurance: Not having a home security system that prevents theft If you're on the market for home insurance, you should be aware of the fact that having a home security system installed can drastically decrease your rates. [Read More]

4 Reasons to Shop for Car Insurance Every Six Months

Posted on: 16 August 2017

You always hear that it's a good idea to shop for lower rates for car insurance because you'll never know if you'll find one that is significantly less for the same amount of coverage. Also, your needs for certain types of coverage may have changed at this time, so you can also drop or add coverage options. However, many people skip out on doing this small task every 6 months and it's usually because they aren't aware of the true benefit and value it can provide aside from the fact that it can save you a bit of money. [Read More]