3 Reasons to Update Your Home Insurance Policy Each Year

Posted on: 25 August 2020

The home you own and live in is probably the most valuable asset you have, so you need homeowner's insurance. Homeowner's insurance protects your home and belongings, and it is not something you should forget to have. When you buy a policy, it protects your house for as long as you pay your premiums, but you might need to make changes to the policy occasionally. The best thing to do is to update your plan annually, and here are three reasons this is important.

1. Ensure You Have Enough Structural Coverage

There are many reasons to update a home insurance policy annually, but the most important reason is to ensure that you have enough structural coverage. When you initially buy a house, you might base your structural coverage on the price you paid for the home. While this is not a bad idea, it is essential to know that home prices typically increase over time. As a result, the coverage amount you have for your home's structural might not be enough in one year. In fact, your home's value might increase each year. Therefore, you might want to update your structural coverage amount yearly to keep up with the value.

2. Take Advantage of Discounts

The next reason to update your policy annually is to take advantage of discounts. You might already have discounts on your policy, but things can change. Imagine if you installed a security system in your home last month. Your current policy would not offer a discount for this system, because you did not have it the last time you modified your plan. Now that you have a security system, you might qualify for a discount. You will not know, though, unless you call your insurance agent to update the policy.

3. Make Changes to Other Parts of the Plan

Additionally, it is vital to update your policy each year to account for any other changes. For example, if you purchased a swimming pool or hot tub, you might need to buy additional home insurance coverage. If anything in your life changes, or if you experience any changes to your home, you should consider updating your policy to reflect these changes.

Updating a home insurance plan is vital, and you should aim to do this annually. If you want to get a quote from another company for coverage, consider contacting a few home insurance agencies today.
